Monday morning, our camping adventure brought us all out to experience the Hopewell Rocks. The NB Tides have done a number on those old rocks eh!?
This international camping gang is comprised of (from left to right) Joel, my cousinette Rebecca, Harry Morell's good friend Kat, my brother Ben, my other cousinette Sarah, Mark-Andre, Rebecca's friend Melanie and my beautiful adventurous wife Katie!! Others present were Pascal, Sarah's husband Davie and myself.
When we first got there, we started doing the camera thing. Everyone was getting some great "rock shots". Katie and I decided to make an action shot of us jumping off one of the huge hopewell rocks............well, it was big ok.
I took a few pictures myself, I was dwarfed by the talent of Ph D. Parson, but I like this one. I call it "big rocks, little girl"
The guys soon tired of the photo shoot and decided to climb the cliffs!!
Pascal was so excited about the Hopewell Rocks that he started flipping out..........literally!!
We ended off our adventure by playing in the Fundy Mud. So pure, so brown, so pasty, so slippery and sooooooo much fun!
Once the fun was done, Katie cleaned off her feet and had me carry her out of the mud with my brute strength *flexing*.
Me on the other hand, I had a lot of brushing to do at the top. They have sweet water guns to help clean off your feet, but the power went out while we were on the beach. We all said our goodbyes after a great pinic lunch and Katie and I headed back to Monk Ton.