And it's a PASS!! I couldn't be any prouder of my little study bug : )
This is very exciting folks!! Jump around the room exciting!! It is the culmination of:
4 years of university
+ Getting a 'tough to get' internship at Moncton hospital
+ 1 year of tough interning and studying (plus taking care of a husband and being pregnant : )
+ 4 months of studying (plus taking care of a husband and a baby : )
+ 1 really hard test
+ 1 month of worrying

1 Very Happy Registered Dietitian (calling her mom to tell her the good news : )
Katie is not sure yet what the next steps are, but you can bet that she will be using her new certification to help a lot of people out. I am excited to see what her and the Lord will team up to do in the next few months and years.
We would just like to take this opportunity to thank the Lord for orchestrating everything so perfectly and giving Katie the strength to do this. Next Katie's parents for walking with us through each step and lastly to everyone who prayed for us or babysat Eben so Katie could study. I know that you are all celebrating with us.
If you want to come jump around the living room with us, you are more than welcome! We'll be jumping for a week or so, so come on over whenever you can : ) God Bless all!
Congrats, Katie!!! This does merit some jumping around!
Woohoo!!!!! Congrats Katie :-D
Yayyy!!! We are so proud of you Kate!!! Following your journey since what, 2nd year? God has led you, and has given you an amazing tool for His kingdom! :) Love you.
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