Since January I had been preparing to write my Dietitian exam. I put in a lot of long hours of studying so the week before the exam my mom came for a visit to help out with the house work, the baby and the meal prep to give me some extra study time. During her time her she even treated us to some study treats. The waffle bowl sundaes from DQ are just as yummy as they look.
After my exam its was off for our much deserved family vacation to Minnesota. The reason for going to Minn was to visit Micah's family there. His grandparents, great gramma, uncle, aunt and cousins live there. This was an exciting vacation for me because I had never met this side of the family before (except the grandparents).

Visiting Micah's great gramma Esther was so much fun. She is a wonderful women of God who turned 104 a couple months ago. We had a wonderful time visiting with her and hearing her tell us some unforgettable stories from her childhood. We got to bring along to her some greetings from family members in the Maritimes; she really loved seeing everyone on the video camera.

This incredible bunch of peeps is Micah's uncle, aunt and cousins. We had a blast hanging out with them. We spent pretty much every day seeing this fine group of individuals. We had a blast eating lots of yummy suppers together, laughing, and playing dutch blitz together. We ended up going on the right weekend because we got to see Kirstin and her boyfriend Gary going to the prom.

One of our big adventures well in Minn was to hit the MALL OF AMERICA!! Now thats what I'm talkin about. This place was huge. The parking garage was about 3-4 times the size of our malls stacked on top of one another. Once we got parked and I got my self composed Micah strapped Eben on his back, as I am sure he was uncertain as to what would happen once I was unleashed from the vehicle.

After our refuel it was off to the amusement park. I knew as soon as I walked in which roller coasters I wanted to go on and in no time Micah and I were strapped in, Papa was in place to video tape us and GG was watching the babe for us. Maybe we will post the video once I learn how to do that with my new video camera.
Micah also had a time to show Eben Lego land... which he remember from a previous visit.

We had so many crazy adventures on the plane rides, in the airports and with the family that this post would just be too long. So maybe we will post a little movie (once we get it together) to give you the summary of how AWESOME our trip was!
Wow looks like a great trip!!!!
Glad you guys had such a great trip. Family visits sure are valuable especially when they are so far away!
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