Micah and I had a full car load on the way to Amherst. We had Grace (the little baby) her mom and one of her bigger brother with us.
The children performed first and then the adult choir, which consists of all the children’s older siblings and parents, performed. After the church service we had a time of fellowship down stairs of the church before heading back home again. This month is going to be a busy month for us as we will be traveling with the choir a lot because it is black history month. Micah and I are really looking forward to spending more time with this beautiful community.
When we got home from Amherst we went over to our friend Stephens’s and soon to be Maria’s apartment. We had a great time there. We mostly ate, (which is a big thing that we seem to do everywhere and then talk about it), chatted, and played some Dance Dance Revolution. When we were all danced out our friend Deborah taught as an African song with actions. We enjoyed a wonderful prayer time together and had communion. We feel blessed to have meet such wonderful God loving friends here in Moncton.
Hey, sounds like you guys are still having a great time with the Dance Dance Revolution pads. Is Wei Wei, still whopping it up with his fast feet?
hey what other instruments play while the group sings? or is it just drums?
The Pastor's son Gary plays keyboard with cool little rhythms and besides that it's just some sweet drumming. Gary's mom plays with one hand and one stick on a big drum and it's sounds ridiculously cool! Weiwei is still a machine on the pads, yes!
Hey Micah and Katie!
Sounds like you two are totally well surrounded! Awesome!!!
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