On Sunday afternoon we decided to head out to the park to enjoy the beautiful sunshine. We are loving that the weather is getting warmer and the MASSIVE amount of snow that we had (close to 11 ft) is almost all melted away.

Lady J has been getting use to this book as and loves running around in it with Daddy and Eben. Its also great that it becomes a stool she can just hang out in while the boys play on the play ground

Eben, Daddy and our friend Tyler had a great time playing at the play ground. They were pretending it was a rock ship (of course) heading for some wheres...I was lost in all the boy lingo.

I guess this was the tunnel of safety for the take off! heheh

Finally we got Lady J out of the pack back and into a swing for the first time. Eben had so much fun pushing her back and forth. He has been waiting all winter to be the BIG brother and push Jaelyn. You see we have a jolly jumper hanging from our ceiling in the living room and he Loves to push it around...of course this is not allowed cause its just not safe so we have been telling him for the past month that he can be the big brother and push her on the swings at the park. He has so much fun and so did she.

He also enjoyed a couple good under ducks from daddy before we headed for home!
Those pictures are AMAZING, what a lovely family you have :-)
Isn't crazy to think of how much snow we got this winter!!!! I'm so happy that it's melting away, spring here we come!!!!
Did I mention that I LOVE the new layout!!!!
Thanks Mrs. Stam!!! My awesome sister in law is working on it so look out for more changes.
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